Swiss Financial Services Act

The new Financial Services Act (FinSA) has been in effect since January 1, 2020. The FinSA introduced a series of regulations for financial service providers aimed at strengthening investor protection. We have created a brochure on FinSA that contains the most important information for you:

Client information on the Financial Services Act FinSA

Below is a brief overview of the information contained in this brochure:

1. Customer segmentation

The FinSA distinguishes between three client segments: private clients, professional clients and institutional clients.

2. Basic information sheets

Basic Information Sheets (BIS) on financial instruments can be accessed here.

3. Information on our execution principles

The execution principles define how Reichmuth & Co achieves the best possible result for its clients when executing orders. Allocation in public issues and public placements on the capital market is based on the guidelines of the Swiss Bankers Association.

Execution principles

4. Dealing with conflicts of interest

The Reichmuth & Co Privatbankiers have taken appropriate organizational measures to avoid, as far as possible, conflicts of interest that may arise in the provision of financial services or, in the event of an unavoidable conflict situation, to exclude the disadvantage of their clients.

5. Information about the costs

The standard fees charged for our financial services are summarized in the following brochure.

Fee schedule

6. Information on the risks

Investments in financial assets offer opportunities, but also risks. To inform customers about how individual types of financial instruments work and typically associated features and risks, we refer to the brochure “Risks in Trading Financial Instruments”, which can either be downloaded via the following link or obtained from us.

Risks in Trading Financial Instruments