Your access to charitable activities

The complex and multifaceted world of foundations requires in-depth knowledge. Thanks to years of experience with foundations, we do not just support you but also provide bespoke solutions.

Establishing and professionally managing a foundation requires a huge amount of expertise and comes with a number of challenges. We have been well acquainted with philanthropy and its many forms since the establishment of the Rütli-Foundation in 2000, which has given us years of valuable experience. This expertise now allows us to provide the perfect support for you. We would be delighted to help you realise your long-term social commitment.

Operational services

As your expert partner, we can efficiently manage any issues relating to establishing a foundation and handle the ensuing administrative work.

Investment solutions

We offer a wide range of individual solutions, tailored to your preferences on issues such as sustainability and your desired target payout ratio, all the way through to standardised and efficient alternatives.


Established by Reichmuth & Co, the Rütli-Foundation is an independent umbrella foundation for people who want to contribute to a good cause.


Long-term cooperation

For more than 20 years, we have been supporting foundation clients and building long-term partnerships. Today, we manage more than CHF 800 million in assets.

Expert support

We also offer various operational services relating to foundations and attractive tailored investment solutions for foundation assets.

Attractive conditions

We offer attractive terms for our foundation clients in recognition of the foundation concept so that as larger percentage of the foundation assets as possible can have a positive effect.

Experience and expertise

Thanks to our many years of experience in the foundation world and collaborating with foundation specialists, we have considerable experience and a large network that we can draw on at any time.

We aim to work with you to find the type of foundation that is right for you and fully support you with any concerns or issues you might have so that you can calmly focus on what really matters – philanthropy.

Claudia Ineichen

CEO Rütli-Foundation

Get to know us personally


Silvan Betschart

Head of Investment Policy

+41 41 249 49 49

Portrait von Nicole Brast.

Nicole Brast


+41 41 249 80 20

Claudia Ineichen

Managing Director Rütli-Foundation

+41 41 249 49 36