Operational Services

There are ever more requirements on foundations but we can help and advise you on everything from your questions about structure to everyday issues.

Support in setting up a foundation

We can help you start your foundation so that you can find the right solution for you. We can also help you complete the required legal paperwork.

  • Evaluating and selecting the most suitable type of foundation
  • Drafting the certificate of incorporation
  • Preparing regulations (organisational and compensation regulations)
  • Seeking preliminary clarifications from the foundation supervisory authority and tax authorities

Consulting services

We can advise you on a wide range of issues. Our services include:

  • Amendments to the articles of association
  • Amendments to regulations
  • Review of alternative structures
  • Support searching for projects
  • Exchange with other foundations
  • Assessment of the membership of the foundation board

Administrative services

We can manage and coordinate administrative tasks for you and help you with operational processes.

  • Coordinating accounting and auditing
  • Preparing foundation board meetings
  • Submitting the annual report to the foundation supervisory authority