Added and forward-looking value

Agile, sustainable and innovative: we combine clear values with forward-looking investment solutions that add value.

We have been serving institutional clients with determined solutions in the areas of infrastructure, manager selection and traditional investments for more than 20 years. We are also innovative in developing ground-breaking investment solutions in selected niches thanks to our entrepreneurial background and proximity to our clients.

Private infrastructure investments

We are one of Switzerland’s pioneers in infrastructure investments. Investors in forward-looking transport and energy and waste disposal infrastructure enjoy stable and regular cash flows, own real value and are partially hedged against inflation.

Manager selection

We only recommend what we know and understand. In foreign markets, we rely on the expertise of specialists whose knowledge ensures recognised success. We select active managers that follow a “best-in-class” approach for our clients.

Traditional investments

You can choose from our comprehensive investment portfolio of equities, depending on your risk appetite. Our investment funds allow you to participate in global quality companies, which meet our strict fundamental and qualitative requirements.

What you can count on

Active investment expertise

Our experienced portfolio managers take investment decisions on a daily basis, based on long-term principles and our investment experts’ in-depth and independent financial analysis.

Client focus

Genuine client focus has been in our DNA since we were founded. We fully safeguard our clients’ interests and are committed to providing independent advice free of conflicts of interest.

Sustainable added value

Our aim is to achieve sustainable investment success with our solutions. Added value means preserving assets and generating an attractive long-term return.


We are experts in innovative investment solutions in selected niches and investment portfolios where we can actively add value.


High-voltage lines on steel structures with wires against the background of the sky with clouds

Electrification of the world

Following a decline in demand for electricity over the last two decades, we are now at a turning point. The electrification of heating systems, increasing electromobility, industrial automation and power-intensive data centers are just a few examples.

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«We are experiencing a difficult phase of deglobalisation»

We are currently in a difficult phase of deglobalisation, says Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Harold James in his Reichmuth & Co Lecture No. 24 on 17 June 2024 in the packed auditorium of the University of Zurich.

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Automation in the industry

On May 7, 2024, we were guests at Komax in Dierikon with interested investors. We have been investing in Swiss second-line stocks through our equity fund Reichmuth Pilatus since 1996. Komax has been listed on the Swiss stock exchange since 1997 and we bought Komax shares for the first time in January 1999.

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