Investment solutions for our clients

We offer you innovative investment solutions that match your personal goals. From traditional investments to infrastructure investments.

Traditional investments – strategy funds

The “Reichmuth Alpin Family” comprises various asset allocation funds. These are based on Reichmuth & Co’s in-house opinion and offer broad diversification.

Traditional investments – equity funds

For private and pension clients, our equity funds with a long-standing proven track record ensure the underlying strategy can be consistently implemented.

Manager selection

We are experts in alternative investments that contribute to the diversification of a traditional portfolio. Besides our own alternative investment solutions, we also take a “best fit” approach when selecting external active managers for our clients.

Infrastructure investments

Direct investment in forward-looking transport and energy and waste disposal infrastructure opens up access to stable returns and distributions.

Agricultural investments

Co-Investment in an Australian sheep farm portfolio together with local partners.

We would be happy to prepare a customised investment proposal for you.