Innovative management retirement provision

Our management retirement provision offers a flexible pension plan that enables our clients to set up a company pension scheme. This can be tailored to meet the needs of the company and its employees.

Private banking for your pension fund

Our innovative management pension solution offers you tangible and quantifiable benefits.

  • Separation into basic and management pension fund. The splitting of the two vehicles allows for customisation and diversification of investments.
  • No cross-subsidisation in the management pension fund. In the event of death, the pension assets are disbursed to the heirs in full.
  • You can benefit from significant tax optimisation both at the private and the corporate level.
  • Pension plan optimisation in the management pension fund creates greater purchase potential even if your salary stays the same.

Facts at a glance

  • No minimum investment
  • Needs-based choice of strategy
  • Realisation via funds, ETFs and individual stocks
  • Company-specific risk benefits
  • Salary components from CHF 86,040, or from CHF 129,060, depending on specific solution

Our solutions


PensFlex, our innovative management pension solution, offers you tangible and quantifiable benefits.

  • Purchases can be deducted from taxable income in full.
  • On departure from the foundation, for instance on retirement, securities can be transferred to your private assets without necessitating a sale.
  • The splitting allows for a more efficient and tax-optimised staggering of withdrawals.


Our innovative PensUnit solution offers you advantages in a range of areas.

  • Co-determination of the investment strategy
  • No cross-subsidisation
  • Tax relief for the company
  • Private tax optimisation
  • Formation of deductible collective fluctuation reserves

Please do not hesitate to contact us for a consultation

Marco Danelli

Head of Pension

«We are among the pioneers of customised pension solutions in Switzerland.»

Jürg Staub

partner with unlimited liability


Market outlook 2025 – «Inter imperia: Europa in limine»

Recording of our “Market Outlook 2025”


Is the USA letting Europe down?

At Reichmuth & Co Lecture No. 25, we were delighted to welcome Eric Gujer, Editor-in-Chief of the NZZ. He is one of the most outstanding journalists in the German-speaking world and gave an exciting lecture at the University of Lucerne on October 30th, 2024.


From screw dealer to industry partner

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