Flexible vested benefit solutions

A vested benefit account secures your occupational benefits when there is gap between your departure from the pension fund and your admission to a new employee benefits institution. We help you put a clear benefits strategy and a matching investment solution in place for any planned interruption of your employment.

Exclusive parking space for your vested benefits

Thanks to our vested benefits foundations PensFree and Independent, our clients benefit from tax-privileged advantages for up to five years after reaching regular retirement age.

  • Vested benefit accounts mean independent choice of investments and hence greater diversification.
  • A separately managed vested benefit custody account offers more flexibility when it comes to withdrawals in the 2nd pillar on retirement.
  • No cross-subsidisation of survivors’ benefits. In the event of death, the pension assets are disbursed to the heirs in full.

Facts at a glance

  • Two foundations for an optimal structure
  • Foundation headquarters in the Canton of Schwyz
  • No tax on earnings or wealth tax
  • Can be maintained until the age of 70
  • Flexible benefit structure in the event of death

Our solutions


We help you structure your occupational benefits to meet your specific needs. PensFree is an independent vested benefits institution offering a wide range of investment solutions.

  • Individual investment strategy and harmonisation with private assets
  • Securities can be transferred to private assets on a one-to-one basis
  • Tax-free interest and dividend income


Comprehensive transparency, high efficiency and optimal value creation. Independent combines all this for people who are changing careers, taking up self-employment, leaving Switzerland permanently or getting divorced.

  • Individual investment solution and harmonisation with private assets
  • Insurance cover (death and disability) available on request
  • Tax-free transfer of UK pension fund assets (recognition of UK tax authorities)

Please do not hesitate to contact us for a consultation

Marco Danelli

Head of Pension


Market outlook 2025 – «Inter imperia: Europa in limine»

Recording of our “Market Outlook 2025”


Is the USA letting Europe down?

At Reichmuth & Co Lecture No. 25, we were delighted to welcome Eric Gujer, Editor-in-Chief of the NZZ. He is one of the most outstanding journalists in the German-speaking world and gave an exciting lecture at the University of Lucerne on October 30th, 2024.


From screw dealer to industry partner

On October 16, 2024, we had the pleasure of inviting interested guests to an investor event at Bossard in Zug. Bossard has been listed on the stock exchange since 1987 and has come a long way. Our Reichmuth Pilatus equity fund has been investing in Swiss second-line stocks for almost 30 years. We acquired our first position in Bossard shares in 1999 and have been following the company ever since.



Market outlook 2025 – «Inter imperia: Europa in limine»

Recording of our “Market Outlook 2025”


Is the USA letting Europe down?

At Reichmuth & Co Lecture No. 25, we were delighted to welcome Eric Gujer, Editor-in-Chief of the NZZ. He is one of the most outstanding journalists in the German-speaking world and gave an exciting lecture at the University of Lucerne on October 30th, 2024.


From screw dealer to industry partner

On October 16, 2024, we had the pleasure of inviting interested guests to an investor event at Bossard in Zug. Bossard has been listed on the stock exchange since 1987 and has come a long way. Our Reichmuth Pilatus equity fund has been investing in Swiss second-line stocks for almost 30 years. We acquired our first position in Bossard shares in 1999 and have been following the company ever since.
